In Tillabéri Region, one of Niger’s seven regions, non-state armed actors have threatened, kidnapped, and assassinated villagers, forcing them to abandon their homes and seek safety in other areas of the country.
After fleeing their villages, many displaced people arrived in this displacement site in Ouallam, around 100 km from Niger’s capital Niamey. In March 2022, this displacement site hosted 5506 people.
This website provides an immersive view of different parts of the displacement site in Ouallam, while also sharing a moving testimony from one of the people living in the site.
To meet the humanitarian needs of displaced people, take action!
To the General Public
• Hold your government and politicians accountable for the aid commitments and policy pledges they have made by writing letters, signing petitions, and submitting questions to national parliaments.
• Support NRC.
• Support NRC.
To Donors
• Ensure that humanitarian assistance is provided according to the needs of people affected by crises and conflicts, and not according to geopolitical interests.
To Journalists
• Amplify INGO messages regarding the humanitarian needs of internally displaced people in international media.
To National Authorities
• Ensure the respect of international humanitarian law and that humanitarian organizations have access to people in need.